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size: Display the size of sections in a given object or executable file in [o]ctal.
$ size ${select} ${filename}
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The "size" command is likely a command within a programming or scripting language that is used to get the size (i.e., length or number of elements) of the specified entity.

In this specific command, "${select}" and "${filename}" are variables that are being passed as arguments.

"${select}" refers to a variable that would hold a value indicating a specific selection or choice. The actual value of "${select}" would depend on the context in which this command is used.

"${filename}" refers to a variable that would hold the name or path of a file. Again, the specific value of "${filename}" would depend on how it is set in the code before this command is executed.

So, in simple terms, this command is likely used to get the size of a file whose name or path is specified by the value stored in the "${filename}" variable, based on a specific selection or choice indicated by the value stored in the "${select}" variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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