The command "skaffold dev -f ${skaffold-yaml}" is used to continuously build and deploy Kubernetes manifests defined in a Skaffold configuration file.
Here is a breakdown of the command and its components:
"skaffold": This is the command-line tool used for building and deploying Kubernetes applications. It automates the development workflow by monitoring code changes and rebuilding and redeploying the application as necessary.
"dev": This is a subcommand of Skaffold that tells Skaffold to start the development loop. It initiates the continuous build and deployment process, watching for changes in the application's source code or deployment configuration files.
"-f ${skaffold-yaml}": This flag specifies the path to the Skaffold configuration file. The Skaffold configuration file, usually named "skaffold.yaml" or "skaffold.yml", defines the deployment targets, build steps, artifact locations, and other settings for Skaffold.
The "${skaffold-yaml}" is a placeholder and should be replaced with the actual file name and path of the Skaffold configuration file in your project.
Overall, the "skaffold dev -f ${skaffold-yaml}" command is used to start the Skaffold development loop using the specified Skaffold configuration file, which triggers continuous building and deployment of the Kubernetes application whenever changes are detected.