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skaffold: Build the artifacts.
$ skaffold build -f ${skaffold-yaml}
try on your machine

The command "skaffold build -f ${skaffold-yaml}" is used to build and package a Kubernetes application using Skaffold, a tool for automating the development workflow for Kubernetes applications.

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • "skaffold build" is the main command that instructs Skaffold to build the application. Skaffold will read the specified Skaffold configuration file and perform the necessary steps to build and package the application for deployment on Kubernetes.

  • "-f" is a flag used to specify the path to the Skaffold configuration file. The Skaffold configuration file (usually named "skaffold.yaml" or similar) contains all the necessary information about the application and how it should be built and deployed.

  • "${skaffold-yaml}" is a placeholder for the actual path to the Skaffold configuration file. The exact value of this placeholder will depend on your specific setup. You need to replace "${skaffold-yaml}" with the actual path to your Skaffold configuration file before running the command.

Overall, this command tells Skaffold to read the specified Skaffold configuration file and build the application according to the instructions defined in that file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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