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skicka: Delete a file.
$ skicka rm ${filename}
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The command "skicka rm ${filename}" is a command written in the Bash shell scripting language. It is used to delete a file named ${filename} using the skicka command line tool.

Here is a breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "skicka": This is the command line tool used for interacting with Google Drive. It allows users to upload, download, and manage their files on Google Drive.

  • "rm": It is short for "remove" and is a commonly used command in Unix-like operating systems to delete files or directories.

  • "${filename}": It is a placeholder for the name of the file that you want to delete. The "$" symbol before "filename" is used to reference the value of a variable in Bash scripting. So, this command is expecting a variable named "filename" to be defined and its value will be used as the name of the file to delete.

Overall, this command tells the skicka tool to delete the file specified in the variable "${filename}" from your Google Drive.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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