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skicka: Show amount of space used by children folders.
$ skicka du ${path-to-parent-folder}
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The command "skicka du ${path-to-parent-folder}" appears to be a combination of two separate components: "skicka" and "du", followed by a variable "${path-to-parent-folder}".

  1. "skicka" is likely the name of a command-line tool or script. Without further information, it is difficult to determine its exact purpose. It could refer to a specific utility designed for file transfer, synchronization, or other related tasks.

  2. "du" is a command commonly found in Unix-like operating systems, used to estimate the file space usage of directories. It displays the disk usage summarized in bytes or in a more human-readable format.

  3. "${path-to-parent-folder}" is a placeholder for the actual path to the parent folder (directory) in the file system. It should be replaced with the specific path you intend to use. The parent folder is the directory that contains the target folder you want to assess. By specifying the path, the command will operate on that specific folder.

When combined, the command seems to suggest that it will utilize the "skicka" tool to assess the disk space used by the specified parent folder. However, without more context or knowing the purpose of the "skicka" tool, it is challenging to provide a comprehensive explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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