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sl: Make the train little.
$ sl -l
try on your machine

The command "sl -l" is a Unix-like command that is used to display a comical animation of a steam locomotive moving across the terminal screen. It is a fun and harmless command that can be run for amusement purposes.

The "sl" part of the command stands for "steam locomotive" and is the actual command that initiates the animation. The "-l" option is used to make the animation longer and slower, adding more visual effects and increasing the duration of the display.

When you run the command "sl -l" in the terminal, the animation will start, and you will see a ASCII art representation of a steam locomotive moving from left to right across the screen, accompanied by the sound of a train whistle. Once the animation is complete, it will exit back to the command prompt.

However, it's worth noting that the "sl" command may not be available by default on all Unix-like systems. If it's not installed, you may need to install it using package managers like "apt" (for Debian-based systems) or "yum" (for Red Hat-based systems). Alternatively, you can also download and compile the source code of the "sl" command from external sources if needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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