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smbclient: Connect to a share (user will be prompted for password; `exit` to quit the session).
$ smbclient ${--server-share}
try on your machine

The smbclient command is a utility used to interact with SMB (Server Message Block) servers. SMB is a file sharing protocol commonly used to provide shared access to files, printers, and other resources between computers on a network.

The syntax you provided includes a variable named "--server-share" enclosed within curly brackets (${--server-share}). Based on the syntax, it appears that the actual value for "--server-share" needs to be provided when executing the command.

To use the smbclient command, you typically need to specify the server and share you want to connect to. The server represents the machine hosting the shared resources, and the share represents the specific shared folder or resource on that server.

For example, if the server you want to connect to is "myserver" and the shared folder is called "shared_docs", you may use the smbclient command as follows:

smbclient --server-share=//myserver/shared_docs

The "--server-share" option is used to provide the server and share information to smbclient. The value passed to "--server-share" consists of the server and share names preceded by two forward slashes (//). By replacing the "--server-share" variable with the actual server and share names you want to connect to, you can execute the command to initiate the connection and interact with the shared resources provided by the server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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