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smbget: Download a file from a server.
$ smbget ${smb:--server-share-file}
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The command "smbget ${smb:--server-share-file}" is using the smbget program with the specified parameters.

Let's break it down:

  • "smbget": It is the name of a command-line tool used for downloading files from an SMB/CIFS server.
  • "${smb:--server-share-file}": It is a parameter passed to the command.

Here's how the parameter works:

  • "${smb:...}": This indicates the use of a variable named "smb" with a default value if the variable is unset.
  • "-server-share-file": This is the actual parameter being passed to the smbget command. The specific values for "-server-share-file" should be replaced with the appropriate server, share, and file you want to download. For example, if you specify "-server-share-file //example-server/share/file.txt", it would attempt to download the "file.txt" from the "share" on the "example-server".

In summary, the command "smbget ${smb:--server-share-file}" is typically used to download a file from an SMB/CIFS server, with the server and file details specified through the "-server-share-file" parameter.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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