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smbmap: Upload file through smb using username and password.
$ smbmap -u ${username} -p ${password} -d ${domain} -H ${ip_or_hostname} --upload ${filename} '${-share_name-remote_filename}'
try on your machine

The command you provided is used to perform operations on an SMB (Server Message Block) share. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  1. smbmap: This is the name of the command-line tool you are executing.

  2. -u ${username}: This option specifies the username to use for authentication when connecting to the SMB share.

  3. -p ${password}: This option specifies the password to use for authentication.

  4. -d ${domain}: This option specifies the domain name to use for authentication. This is optional and can be omitted if not required.

  5. -H ${ip_or_hostname}: This option specifies the IP address or hostname of the SMB server you want to connect to.

  6. --upload ${filename}: This option is used to upload a file to the SMB share. ${filename} is the name of the file you want to upload.

  7. '${-share_name-remote_filename}': This is the syntax for specifying the SMB share and the remote location where the file is uploaded. ${-share_name-remote_filename} should be replaced with the actual values.

  • -share_name: This is the name of the SMB share on the server where you want to upload the file.
  • -remote_filename: This is the desired filename for the uploaded file on the remote server.

Make sure to replace ${username}, ${password}, ${domain}, ${ip_or_hostname}, ${filename}, -share_name, and -remote_filename with actual values suitable for your scenario.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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