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smbpasswd: Change the current user's SMB password.
$ smbpasswd
try on your machine

The smbpasswd command is used in Unix-like operating systems to manage passwords for users accessing Server Message Block (SMB) shares, commonly used for file sharing and printer sharing between devices in a network.

Here is a breakdown of the smbpasswd command and its purpose:

  • smbpasswd: This is the actual command itself that is executed in the terminal or command line.

The smbpasswd command typically includes various options and arguments that modify its behavior. Some common options and arguments include:

  • -a or --add: This option is used to add a new user's password to the SMB password file. When used, it prompts the user to enter and confirm the new password.
  • -d or --debuglevel: This option is used to set the debug level for the smbpasswd command, which can help diagnose any issues that may arise during its execution.
  • -r or --remove: This option is used to remove a user's password from the SMB password file.
  • -h or --help: This option displays a help message that provides information about how to use the smbpasswd command and its various options.
  • -c or --use-client-ntlmv2: This option is used to enforce the use of NTLMv2 authentication when communicating with the SMB server. It provides enhanced security.
  • -L or --local: This option specifies that the smbpasswd command should only modify the local password database instead of using the network.

The specific functionality of the smbpasswd command can vary depending on the operating system and the configuration of the SMB server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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