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smem: Print memory usage for current processes.
$ smem
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The "smem" command is used in Linux-based systems to display memory usage statistics for each process currently running on the system. "smem" stands for "Summary Memory."

When the "smem" command is executed, it gathers information about all the processes and calculates memory usage based on different parameters such as physical memory (RAM), shared memory, virtual memory, and swap memory. It provides a detailed summary of memory consumption by each process.

Some of the information provided by "smem" includes:

  1. Process ID (PID): The unique identification number assigned to each process.
  2. User: The user owning the process.
  3. Command: The name of the command or executable associated with the process.
  4. Swap: The amount of memory swapped out to disk.
  5. USS (Unique Set Size): The memory unique to a process (not shared with other processes).
  6. PSS (Proportional Set Size): The memory shared among multiple processes.
  7. RSS (Resident Set Size): The physical memory occupied by the process.
  8. Size: The total virtual memory used by the process.

Overall, "smem" helps provide insight into the memory consumption of individual processes, aiding system administrators in managing memory usage and identifying memory-intensive processes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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