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snakefmt: Display the changes that would be performed without performing them (dry-run).
$ snakefmt --diff ${path-to-snakefile}
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The command "snakefmt --diff ${path-to-snakefile}" is responsible for formatting and comparing changes in a Snakefile using the snakefmt tool.

Here's how it breaks down:

  • "snakefmt": It is the command to execute the snakefmt tool. Snakefmt is a utility used to automatically format Snakemake files (Snakefiles). It ensures consistent and readable code style.

  • "--diff": This flag tells snakefmt to display the difference between the formatted code and the original code, instead of applying the changes. It visually presents the modifications that would be made to the file without actually modifying it.

  • "${path-to-snakefile}": This placeholder represents the actual path to the Snakefile you want to format and compare. You need to replace "${path-to-snakefile}" with the specific file path on your system.

In summary, running "snakefmt --diff ${path-to-snakefile}" will format the specified Snakefile and show the difference between the formatted code and the original code without modifying the file itself.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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