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snapper: List snapshot configs.
$ snapper list-configs
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The command "snapper list-configs" is used in the Linux operating system to display a list of available configurations for the Snapper tool.

Snapper is a tool used for managing snapshots on Linux systems, particularly useful for managing the file system snapshots created by the Btrfs filesystem. These snapshots can be used for backup, system rollback, or comparison purposes.

When you run the "snapper list-configs" command, it queries the Snapper tool to provide a list of available configuration files. Each configuration file represents a set of options and settings for creating, managing, and deleting snapshots.

By using the "snapper list-configs" command, you can view the various configurations available on your system and choose the appropriate one for your snapshot management needs. The list typically includes the ID, name, and the number of snapshots associated with each configuration.

This command helps you identify and select the correct configuration when executing other Snapper commands, allowing you to specify the configuration ID or name for performing snapshot-related tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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