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List of commands for snowsql:

  • snowsql:tldr:17372 snowsql: Execute commands from a specific file on the default connection.
    $ snowsql --filename ${filename-sql}
    try on your machine
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  • snowsql:tldr:43fb3 snowsql: Connect to an instance specified by a specific configuration file (defaults to `~/.snowsql/config`).
    $ snowsql --config ${path-to-configuration_file}
    try on your machine
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  • snowsql:tldr:c1241 snowsql: Connect to a specific instance at (password can be provided in prompt or configuration file).
    $ snowsql --accountname ${account} --username ${username} --dbname ${database} --schemaname ${schema}
    try on your machine
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  • snowsql:tldr:f4600 snowsql: Connect to the default instance using a token for multi-factor authentication.
    $ snowsql --mfa-passcode ${token}
    try on your machine
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  • snowsql:tldr:f92ff snowsql: Execute a single SQL query or SnowSQL command on the default connection (useful in shell scripts).
    $ snowsql --query '${query}'
    try on your machine
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