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sntpd: Overwrite existing state with the local clock (stratum 1), for running a master/primary server, without synchronizing with another (higher stratum) server.
$ sntpd -L
try on your machine

The command "sntpd -L" is used to start the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) daemon in logging mode.

SNTP is a protocol used for synchronizing time between computers on a network. It is a simplified version of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and is commonly used in situations where precise time synchronization is not critical.

The "-L" option with the "sntpd" command enables logging mode for the daemon. When the daemon is in logging mode, it records various events and messages related to time synchronization in a log file. This log file can be useful for troubleshooting or monitoring purposes.

By running "sntpd -L" command, the SNTP daemon will start and begin logging its activities to a log file. The specific location and format of the log file may vary depending on the system configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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