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snyk: Log in to your Snyk account.
$ snyk auth
try on your machine

The command snyk auth is used to authenticate and set up access to the Snyk platform.

Snyk is a tool for finding and fixing vulnerabilities in open-source dependencies used in software projects. It scans your project dependencies, identifies potential vulnerabilities, and provides actionable insights and remediation steps to mitigate those vulnerabilities.

When you run snyk auth, it initiates a process to authenticate your Snyk account with the command-line interface (CLI). It prompts you to log in or sign up if you don't have an account. Once you log in or create an account, the command generates an authentication token for your account, which is stored on your machine. This token is used to authenticate future requests made by the CLI to the Snyk platform.

By using the snyk auth command and providing proper authentication, you gain the ability to leverage Snyk's features and services, such as scanning your project for vulnerabilities, monitoring for new vulnerabilities, and receiving notifications and alerts.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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