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snyk: Auto patch and ignore vulnerabilities.
$ snyk wizard
try on your machine

The snyk wizard command is a command-line interface (CLI) command provided by the Snyk tool. Snyk is a developer-first security solution that helps to identify and fix security vulnerabilities in open-source libraries and container images.

When you run snyk wizard, it initiates an interactive guided process that helps you set up Snyk for your project. It prompts you with a series of questions and options to configure Snyk based on your project's characteristics and requirements.

Here is a general outline of what the snyk wizard command does:

  1. Authentication: If you haven't already authenticated with your Snyk account or organization, the wizard guides you through the authentication process.

  2. Project Selection: The wizard asks you to select the project or directory you want to scan for vulnerabilities. It can be a local project or a GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab repository.

  3. Package Manager Detection: The wizard determines the package manager used by your project (e.g., npm, Maven, Gradle, etc.) and configures Snyk accordingly.

  4. Dependency Installation: If there are any missing packages or dependencies required for Snyk to work properly, the wizard guides you through the installation process.

  5. Continuous Integration (CI) Integration: If you use a CI/CD pipeline, the wizard provides instructions to integrate Snyk into your CI workflow. This helps automate vulnerability detection during the build process.

  6. Test and Fix Configuration: The wizard asks you how you want to handle the identified vulnerabilities. You can choose to either fail the build, display warnings, or automatically fix some issues (if possible).

  7. Project Monitoring: You may be asked if you want Snyk to continuously monitor your project for new vulnerabilities and notify you about any newly discovered security issues.

Overall, the snyk wizard command simplifies the initial configuration of Snyk for your project and ensures you have the necessary settings in place to scan and address vulnerabilities effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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