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solo: Generate random bytes using the currently connected Solo's secure random number generator.
$ solo key rng raw
try on your machine

The command "solo key rng raw" is used to generate raw random numbers using a Solo key.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "solo": This refers to the Solo key, which is a hardware device used for secure cryptocurrency transactions. It provides a secure environment for generating and storing private keys, which are essential for signing transactions.

  • "key": This specifies that the command is related to the Solo key.

  • "rng": This stands for Random Number Generator, which is a feature provided by the Solo key. It is used to generate random numbers that are essential for creating secure cryptographic keys.

  • "raw": This specifies that the generated random numbers should be returned in their raw form, without any additional processing or formatting. Raw random numbers can be useful in certain cryptographic operations that require truly unpredictable and unbiased random data.

By executing this command, you can obtain raw random numbers from the Solo key's built-in Random Number Generator, which can be further used for cryptographic purposes or any application that requires secure random data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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