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solo: List connected Solos.
$ solo ls
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The command "solo ls" is a combination of two separate commands, "solo" and "ls".

  • "solo" is a command used in the context of the Solo development environment or software. It is likely a specific tool or utility provided by that performs certain functions, such as managing microservices or serving as an API gateway. Without further context, it's difficult to determine the exact functionality of the "solo" command.

  • "ls" is a command commonly found in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. It stands for "list" and is used to list the files and directories in a directory. When executed, the "ls" command will display the names of files and directories in the current directory.

Therefore, "solo ls" would indicate that you are using the "solo" command and passing "ls" as an argument to it. It suggests that the "solo" command might have some functionality related to listing files or directories, possibly within a specific context provided by the "solo" tool itself.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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