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sonar-scanner: Print help information.
$ sonar-scanner -h
try on your machine

The command "sonar-scanner -h" is used to display the help information or manual for the SonarScanner, which is a command-line tool provided by SonarQube for analyzing projects and sending the results to a SonarQube server.

When you run the command "sonar-scanner -h" in your terminal or command prompt, the tool will provide you with the following information:

  1. Usage: The command provides the general usage format of the SonarScanner command.

  2. Options: This section will list all the available command-line options that can be used with the SonarScanner command. These options allow you to customize the analysis process, such as specifying the project key, SonarQube server URL, login credentials, project language, source code directories, exclusions, etc.

  3. Examples: This section will provide some example commands with explanations on how to use different options of the SonarScanner command for specific use cases. These examples can help you understand the syntax and usage of the command more effectively.

By referring to the help information, you can learn about the various options available and how to use them correctly while running the SonarScanner command. It's always a good practice to use the help command when working with new tools or unfamiliar commands to understand their functionality and available options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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