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sox: Normalize an audio file (adjust volume to the maximum peak level, without clipping).
$ sox --norm ${input_audiofile} ${output_audiofile}
try on your machine

This is a command that uses the program "sox" to normalize an audio file.

  • "sox" is a command-line utility used for audio processing. It can manipulate and convert audio files.
  • "--norm" is an option or flag provided to the "sox" command. It instructs sox to normalize the audio. Normalization is a process of adjusting the volume levels of an audio file to a standard or desired level.
  • "${input_audiofile}" is a placeholder that represents the path and filename of the input audio file you want to normalize. You need to replace it with the actual path and file name of your input audio file.
  • "${output_audiofile}" is also a placeholder that represents the path and filename of the output normalized audio file that will be created. Again, you need to replace it with the desired path and file name for the output file.

To use this command, you need to have "sox" installed on your system and specify the input and output audio file paths to normalize the input audio and save it as the output audio.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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