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spatial: Run this when you use a project for the first time.
$ spatial worker build
try on your machine

The command "spatial worker build" is used in SpatialOS, a platform for building large-scale multiplayer games. It is specific to the "worker" aspect of game development in SpatialOS.

In SpatialOS, a game is divided into multiple "workers," which are processes or instances responsible for simulating and managing different aspects of the game world. For example, there may be a worker for simulating the physics, another for managing the game logic, and so on.

The "spatial worker build" command is used to actually build and compile a specific worker. When you run this command, SpatialOS takes the source code or code changes you have made for a worker and compiles it into an executable file that can be run and connected to the SpatialOS runtime.

By executing this command, you are telling SpatialOS to compile the worker code, handle any dependencies, optimize the build process, and generate the necessary output files. These output files can then be deployed and run on SpatialOS servers or locally for testing and development.

In summary, "spatial worker build" is a command used in SpatialOS to compile the code for a specific worker, allowing it to be executed and connected to the game world.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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