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spatial: Clean worker directories.
$ spatial worker clean
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The command "spatial worker clean" is used in the context of the SpatialOS platform.

SpatialOS is a cloud-based game development platform that enables the creation of vast, persistent virtual worlds with distributed computing power. It allows developers to build and manage online multiplayer games that can seamlessly scale across multiple servers.

The "spatial worker clean" command is responsible for cleaning up worker-related artifacts and files generated by SpatialOS during the development process. When developing a SpatialOS project, each worker (a component responsible for simulating a specific part of the game world) generates certain files and artifacts that may no longer be needed.

Running "spatial worker clean" removes these unnecessary files, freeing up disk space and improving the efficiency of the development environment. It helps ensure that the project is running with the most up-to-date files and reduces the chances of encountering errors or outdated information.

It's worth noting that the exact behavior of the "spatial worker clean" command may vary depending on the specific version of SpatialOS being used and the configuration of the project. It's always recommended to consult the documentation or help resources provided by SpatialOS for accurate usage instructions and command parameters.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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