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spatial: Deploy locally.
$ spatial local launch ${launch_config} --snapshot=${snapshot_file}
try on your machine

The command "spatial local launch ${launch_config} --snapshot=${snapshot_file}" is used to initiate a local instance of a SpatialOS simulation using a specified launch configuration and snapshot file.

  • "spatial" is the executable or command to run the SpatialOS command-line interface (CLI), which allows interaction with the SpatialOS platform.

  • "local" specifies that the simulation will be run locally, meaning it will run on your machine instead of being deployed to the cloud.

  • "launch" is a command within the SpatialOS CLI used to start a local deployment of a simulated environment.

  • "${launch_config}" refers to a variable representing the path or name of the launch configuration file for your simulation. The launch configuration file specifies various settings for the deployment, including the workers and their respective behaviors.

  • "--snapshot=${snapshot_file}" is an option passed to the "spatial local launch" command. It indicates the desired snapshot file to load when starting the simulation. A snapshot file contains the current state of the simulated entities and can be used to initialize the simulation with pre-existing data.

So, when this command is executed, it will start a local SpatialOS deployment using the specified launch configuration file and optionally load a snapshot file to initialize the simulation state.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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