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spatial: Launch a cloud deployment.
$ spatial cloud launch ${assembly_name} ${launch_config} ${deployment_name}
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The command "spatial cloud launch ${assembly_name} ${launch_config} ${deployment_name}" is a command used in the SpatialOS networking platform. SpatialOS is a game development platform that allows developers to create and run massive, persistent, and multi-server virtual worlds.

Here is a breakdown of the command and its parameters:

  • "spatial cloud launch": This is the main command that instructs the SpatialOS command-line tool to launch a cloud deployment.
  • "${assembly_name}": This parameter refers to the name of the SpatialOS assembly that contains your game's code and assets. An assembly is composed of worker code, configuration files, and assets needed to define and run your game.
  • "${launch_config}": This parameter refers to the launch configuration file. A launch configuration file specifies how to run the SpatialOS deployment, including details about the number and configuration of cloud servers, worker types, and other deployment settings.
  • "${deployment_name}": This parameter represents the name you want to give to the cloud deployment. It is an identifier that helps you manage and reference the deployment.

By running this command, you are telling SpatialOS to launch a cloud deployment of your game using the specified assembly, launch configuration, and deployment name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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