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spatial: Build workers for local deployment on Unity on macOS.
$ spatial worker build --target=development --target=Osx
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The command "spatial worker build --target=development --target=Osx" is used to build a worker for deployment in a development environment specifically targeting macOS (OSx).

Here's a breakdown of the components:

  • "spatial" refers to the command-line tool called "SpatialOS." SpatialOS is a platform that enables the creation and operation of distributed virtual worlds.
  • "worker" indicates that you want to build a worker, which is a program responsible for executing specific gameplay logic or simulation within the SpatialOS environment.
  • "build" instructs the SpatialOS command-line tool to initiate the building process for the worker.
  • "--target=development" specifies the target environment for which the worker is being built. In this case, it is intended for a development environment, which means it may include additional debugging features or optimizations suitable for developers.
  • "--target=Osx" specifies the specific operating system target for the worker build. In this case, the target is macOS (OSx), indicating that the worker will be compiled and optimized specifically for macOS.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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