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spctl: Turn on Gatekeeper.
$ spctl --master-enable
try on your machine

The command "spctl --master-enable" is a command-line tool used to manage and control the system policy database of macOS. It is specifically used to enable the "Gatekeeper" feature, which is a security mechanism on macOS that helps protect your computer from executing potentially malicious software.

Gatekeeper allows you to control what types of applications can be installed and run on your Mac. By default, it only allows applications from the Mac App Store and developers who have signed their software with an Apple Developer ID to be installed and executed.

When you run the "spctl --master-enable" command, it enables the Gatekeeper feature and allows you to manage the application security settings on your Mac. Once enabled, Gatekeeper will start blocking the execution of any applications that do not meet the allowed criteria mentioned earlier.

It's important to note that enabling Gatekeeper provides an additional layer of security, but it can limit the installation and execution of certain applications that are not from the Mac App Store or not signed by an Apple Developer ID. If you're sure about the source and trustworthiness of an application, you have the option to bypass Gatekeeper checks temporarily or permanently using other commands and settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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