speedcrunch: Clear the calculator of recent calculations.
$ Ctrl + N
try on your machine
The command "Ctrl + N" refers to pressing the Control key (Ctrl key) on your keyboard simultaneously with the "N" letter key.
In most applications and web browsers, this keyboard shortcut is associated with the "New" action, often used to create a new document, a new window, or a new tab.
For example, in text editors, pressing Ctrl + N will typically open a new, blank document, allowing you to start typing or editing. In web browsers, it usually creates a new browser window or tab, enabling you to open a new website or webpage.
Overall, Ctrl + N is a commonly used command to quickly initiate a new instance of an application or file.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.