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spi: Update the list of available packages and slackbuilds.
$ spi --update
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The command "spi --update" is used to update the SPI flash memory on a computer system.

SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface, which is a communication protocol commonly used for interfacing microcontrollers with external devices, such as flash memory chips. In this context, SPI refers to the SPI flash memory on the computer system.

When you execute the "spi --update" command, it triggers a process that checks for available updates for the SPI flash memory. If any updates are found, they will be downloaded and installed on the system. This can include firmware updates, security patches, or other improvements for the SPI flash memory.

Overall, this command helps ensure that the SPI flash memory on the computer system is up to date, providing optimal performance, compatibility, and security.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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