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spicetify: Restore Spotify to its original state.
$ spicetify restore
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The command "spicetify restore" is a command used with the Spicetify tool. Spicetify is a third-party customization tool for Spotify that allows users to modify the user interface and apply themes to their Spotify desktop app.

The "restore" command in Spicetify is used to revert any changes made to the Spotify app using Spicetify. It helps to restore the Spotify app to its default state, undoing any modifications or customizations made with Spicetify.

By running "spicetify restore", any custom themes, modifications, or changes made to the Spotify UI using Spicetify will be removed, and the app will be restored to its original appearance and functionality.

This command can be useful if you want to revert back to the default Spotify app or if you encounter any issues or conflicts with the customizations made using Spicetify.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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