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spicetify: Apply the customization changes to Spotify.
$ spicetify apply
try on your machine

The command "spicetify apply" is a command specific to the “Spicetify” application. Spicetify is a tool that allows users to modify the appearance of the Spotify desktop client by applying different themes and customizations.

The "spicetify apply" command is used to apply any changes or modifications that you have made to your Spicetify configuration. Basically, it tells Spicetify to take those changes and immediately apply them to your Spotify client.

Once you have made changes to your Spicetify configuration files (such as modifying themes or customizations), you need to run the "spicetify apply" command for your changes to take effect. This command ensures that the Spicetify tool updates the Spotify client with the latest modifications you have made.

By running "spicetify apply," you can instantly see the applied changes in your Spotify desktop client, such as new themes, color schemes, or other visual modifications you have made using Spicetify.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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