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spotdl: Start a web interface to download individual songs.
$ spotdl web
try on your machine

The command "spotdl web" is used to download music from Spotify using the program called spotdl. "spotdl" stands for Spotify Playlist Downloader, and it is a command-line tool commonly used to download songs and playlists from Spotify.

When you run the command "spotdl web," it initiates the web music search functionality of spotdl. This means that you can provide a URL of a Spotify track, album, or playlist, and the program will search for the corresponding music files to download.

For example, if you run "spotdl web" followed by a Spotify playlist URL, it will retrieve all the songs in that playlist and start downloading them to your device.

It's important to note that spotdl isn't an official Spotify tool, and downloading copyrighted music may violate Spotify's terms of service or infringe on copyright laws in your jurisdiction. Therefore, it's essential to use this tool responsibly and only download music that you have the legal rights to obtain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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