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spotdl: Download songs from the provided URLs and embed metadata.
$ spotdl ${open-spotify-com-playlist-playlistId open-spotify-com-track-trackId ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be incomplete as it includes placeholders (i.e. open-spotify-com-playlist-playlistId and open-spotify-com-track-trackId) indicating that actual values should be inserted in their respective positions. However, assuming the actual values are inserted correctly, the command appears to be using a tool or script called "spotdl" to perform some operation related to Spotify playlists and tracks.

Based on the formatting of the command, it appears that it may be using a variable number of arguments. Here is a breakdown of the command structure:

spotdl: This is the main command or executable that is being run.

${open-spotify-com-playlist-playlistId open-spotify-com-track-trackId ---}: This section appears to be a placeholder indicating that it expects input values. Specifically, it suggests that you would replace "open-spotify-com-playlist-playlistId" with an actual playlist ID and "open-spotify-com-track-trackId" with an actual track ID.

Overall, the purpose and functionality of the command depend on the actual values that are provided for the playlist and track IDs. Without the specific values being inserted, we cannot provide more details about the exact behavior of the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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