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List of commands for sqlite3:

  • sqlite3:ai:6a3ae How to extract usable cookie for current session from firefox folder to use with linkchecker
    $ sqlite3 -header -json ~/.mozilla/firefox/${profile_folder}/cookies.sqlite "SELECT name, value FROM moz_cookies WHERE (host='' OR host='') AND (expiry = 0 OR expiry > strftime('%s', 'now'));" > cookies.json
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  • sqlite3:tldr:2bcaa sqlite3: Open an interactive shell against an existing database.
    $ sqlite3 ${path-to-database-sqlite3}
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  • sqlite3:tldr:58797 sqlite3: Execute an SQL statement against a database and then exit.
    $ sqlite3 ${path-to-database-sqlite3} '${SELECT * FROM some_table;}'
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  • sqlite3:tldr:dc2de sqlite3: Start an interactive shell with a new database.
    $ sqlite3
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