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sqlmap: Run sqlmap against a single target URL.
$ python -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php?id=1}"
try on your machine

The command you mentioned is using the tool called SQLMap, which is used for detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in target web applications. Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • python This initiates the execution of the SQLMap tool using the Python interpreter.
  • -u: This parameter specifies that the tool will target a URL.
  • "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php?id=1}": This is the URL of the target web application. It seems to be a placeholder URL that you need to replace with the actual target URL. The http:--www-target-com-vuln-php?id=1 part is just an example and should be replaced with the vulnerable URL you want to test.

So, to use this command, you need to replace "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php?id=1}" with the actual URL of the target web application you want to test for SQL injection vulnerabilities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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