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sqlmap: Provide user credentials for HTTP protocol authentication.
$ python -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php}" --auth-type ${Basic} --auth-cred "${testuser:testpass}"
try on your machine

This command is using the Python script to run SQLMap, a popular SQL injection testing tool, with specified parameters. Let's break down the command:

  • python This executes the Python script, which contains the SQLMap tool.

  • -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php}": This specifies the target URL to be scanned for SQL injection vulnerabilities. The URL is enclosed in double quotes and assigned to the -u option. It seems like the URL is specified using a placeholder format, where ${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php} would be replaced with the actual target URL.

  • --auth-type ${Basic}: This specifies the type of authentication to use during the scanning process. The value ${Basic} indicates that Basic authentication will be used. Similar to the URL, the authentication type might also be replaced with the actual authentication method.

  • --auth-cred "${testuser:testpass}": This parameter provides the credentials for the authentication type specified earlier. The value ${testuser:testpass} represents the username and password for authentication. Again, this might be replaced with real credentials during execution.

In summary, this command executes SQLMap, targeting a specific URL for SQL injection vulnerabilities, with Basic authentication using the provided credentials. The placeholders (${...}) suggest that these values will be replaced with actual details during execution.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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