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squeue: View the queue.
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The command "squeue" is typically used in a cluster computing environment to view information about the currently queued and running jobs on the cluster.

When you execute the "squeue" command, it retrieves information from the cluster's job scheduler and displays a table with various columns containing job-related details.

The information that could be included in the output varies based on the configuration and capabilities of the particular cluster's scheduler. However, common details typically provided by the "squeue" command include:

  1. Job ID: A unique identifier assigned to each job in the cluster.
  2. Partition: The part of the cluster where the job is scheduled to run.
  3. Name: The user-specified name or description of the job.
  4. User: The username of the person who submitted the job.
  5. State: The current status of the job (e.g., pending, running, completed).
  6. Time: The time remaining or elapsed for the job, depending on its current state.
  7. Nodes: The number and names of the compute nodes allocated for the job.

Additionally, the "squeue" command may display other relevant details like priority, job start time, and job end time.

This command is useful for cluster users and system administrators to monitor and troubleshoot job scheduling, as it provides an overview of the workload on the cluster and the status of individual jobs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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