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sreport: Show users with the highest CPU time use.
$ sreport user topuser
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The command "sreport user topuser" is used to generate a report showing the top users in terms of resource usage on a system. It provides information about the users who have consumed the most resources, such as CPU time, memory, or storage space, during a specified time period.

The "sreport" command is typically a part of a system monitoring and reporting tool called "Slurm" (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management). Slurm is commonly used on cluster computing systems to manage job scheduling and resource allocation.

By running the "sreport user topuser" command, the tool generates a report that ranks the users based on their resource consumption. The command may have additional options to specify the time period for which the report should be generated, the type of resource to be considered, or other customization options depending on the specific configuration and version of Slurm being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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