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srm: Prompt before every removal.
$ srm -i ${\*}
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The command "srm -i ${*}" is used to securely remove files or directories from a Unix-like operating system.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "srm" stands for secure remove. It is a command-line utility used to securely delete files and directories. Unlike the regular "rm" command, "srm" overwrites the data of the file multiple times, making it difficult or impossible to recover the information.

  • "-i" is an option that stands for interactive mode. When this option is used, "srm" prompts the user for confirmation before deleting each file or directory. This ensures that the user does not accidentally delete important data.

  • "${*}" is a variable that represents all the arguments or filenames passed to the command. It is a special variable in Unix-like systems that expands to all the arguments provided to the command. In this case, it represents the files or directories that should be securely removed.

So, when the command "srm -i ${*}" is executed, it will prompt the user for confirmation before securely deleting each file or directory provided as arguments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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