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ss: Show all TCP/UDP/RAW/UNIX sockets.
$ ss -a ${select}
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The ss command in Linux is used to display detailed information about network connections, network interfaces, and socket statistics. It is a powerful replacement of the older netstat command.

In the given command, ss -a ${select}, the -a option is used to display all sockets, including listening, connected, and idle sockets. The ${select} refers to a variable or parameter that should be substituted with an actual value when running the command.

The command can be modified by replacing ${select} with specific parameters to filter and display specific information about sockets or connections. For example, using ${select} as an IP address would display only connections and sockets associated with that IP address.

Overall, the command ss -a ${select} lists all sockets and their corresponding details, allowing for specific filters and parameters to manipulate the displayed information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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