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ssh: Generate an RSA 4096-bit key with email as a comment.
$ ssh-keygen -t ${dsa|ecdsa|ed25519|rsa} -b ${4096} -C "${comment|email}"
try on your machine

The command ssh-keygen is used to generate a new SSH key pair. Here's a breakdown of the various options and parameters used in the command:

  • -t ${dsa|ecdsa|ed25519|rsa}: This specifies the type of key algorithm to be used for generating the SSH key pair. You can choose between dsa, ecdsa, ed25519, or rsa.
  • -b ${4096}: This specifies the number of bits in the key to be generated. In this example, it's set to 4096 bits, which is a commonly recommended value for RSA keys.
  • -C "${comment|email}": This option adds a comment or email address to the generated key. The comment/email can be anything you want and serves as an identifier for the key. You can replace ${comment|email} with your chosen comment or email address.

In summary, the ssh-keygen command with the given options and parameters generates an SSH key pair with a specific algorithm, key size, and comment/email associated with it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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