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ssh: Use compression.
$ sshfs ${username}@${remote_host}:${remote_directory} -C
try on your machine

The command "sshfs" is used to mount a remote file system over SSH (Secure Shell). Here is an explanation of the different parts of the command:

  • ${username}: This is a placeholder for the username you want to use to authenticate with the remote host. You should replace it with the actual username.

  • ${remote_host}: This is a placeholder for the hostname or IP address of the remote host you want to connect to. You should replace it with the actual host information.

  • ${remote_directory}: This is a placeholder for the directory path on the remote host that you want to mount. You should replace it with the actual directory path.

  • -C: This is an option to compress the data being transferred between the local and remote systems. It enables compression to make the SSH connection more efficient, reducing the bandwidth usage.

When you run this command, it will attempt to establish an SSH connection to the remote host using the specified username. Once connected, it will mount the specified remote directory onto a local mount point, allowing you to access the files and directories on the remote host as if they were located on your local system. The use of compression with the -C option can help optimize the transfer of data between the local and remote systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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