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sstat: Display job ID, average CPU and average virtual memory size of a comma-separated list of jobs, with pipes as column delimiters.
$ sstat --parsable --jobs=${job_id} --format=${JobID},${AveCPU},${AveVMSize}
try on your machine

This command is using the sstat command with specific flags and options to retrieve information about a job specified by its id. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • sstat: This is the main command used to obtain Slurm job and job step accounting statistics.
  • --parsable: This flag specifies the output format to be machine-readable and easily parseable.
  • --jobs=${job_id}: This argument is used to specify the job_id variable, which should be replaced with the actual ID of the job you want to retrieve information about.
  • --format=${JobID},${AveCPU},${AveVMSize}: This argument defines the format of the output. It uses variables in curly braces (${...}) to represent specific statistics or attributes of the job or job step.

In this case, the format is specified as ${JobID},${AveCPU},${AveVMSize}, which implies that the output will contain the job ID, average CPU usage, and average virtual memory size of the job. The variables within the format string are replaced with their corresponding values when executing the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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