This command is used in the GNU Debugger (GDB) to connect to a remote target for debugging.
The command starts with "target extended-remote" which is a GDB command that specifies the target as a remote system rather than the local system.
In this specific command, the target is specified as follows: "${localhost}:${4500}".
"${localhost}" refers to the IP address or hostname of the remote system you want to connect to. "localhost" typically refers to the local machine itself. So, if you want to connect to the local machine, this part will be replaced with "localhost".
":" is used to separate the hostname/IP address from the port number.
"4500" is the port number on which the debugging server is running on the remote system. This port number needs to be specified based on the configuration of the remote system's debugging setup.
By executing this command, GDB will try to establish a connection to the specified remote system on the designated port number, allowing you to debug the application running on that remote system.