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standard-version: Update a specific changelog file and tag a release.
$ standard-version --infile ${filename-md}
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The command "standard-version --infile ${filename-md}" is invoking the "standard-version" tool with the "--infile" option and a specific file name as an argument.


  • "standard-version" is a command-line tool used for automating software version management. It follows the Semantic Versioning specification.
  • The "--infile" option is used to specify the input file from which the tool extracts the current version and updates it accordingly.
  • "${filename-md}" is a placeholder representing the name of the input file to be provided. It might be a variable or an actual file name.

In summary, this command utilizes the "standard-version" tool to process a file specified as input and automatically update its version based on Semantic Versioning standards. The specific file name is substituted using the "${filename-md}" placeholder.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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