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standard-version: Update the changelog and tag an alpha release.
$ standard-version --prerelease alpha
try on your machine

The command "standard-version --prerelease alpha" is used to generate a new version for a software project using the "Standard Version" tool with a prerelease identifier.

Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "standard-version": This is the command or executable name for the "Standard Version" tool. It is a popular tool used for automating versioning in software projects.

  • "--prerelease alpha": This is an argument passed to the "standard-version" command, specifically instructing it to generate a prerelease version with the identifier "alpha". Prerelease versions are typically used for versions that are not yet considered stable or production-ready. The "alpha" identifier can be customized to match any desired identifier for the prerelease version.

When you execute this command, the "Standard Version" tool will analyze the current state of the software project (e.g., commit history, commit messages, and previous version) to determine and generate the next appropriate version. It will increment the version number according to semantic versioning rules (major, minor, patch), and append the provided prerelease identifier ("alpha" in this case). The generated version will be automatically updated in relevant files (e.g., package.json) and committed to the repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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