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standard-version: Display the release that would be performed without performing them.
$ standard-version --dry-run
try on your machine

The command "standard-version --dry-run" is used in software development, specifically with the tool called "standard-version".

The "standard-version" tool is used for managing and automating the process of creating version releases for software projects. It follows the conventions set by the Semantic Versioning specification.

The "--dry-run" option is an argument passed to the "standard-version" command. When "--dry-run" is used, the command performs a simulation or a trial run, without making any actual changes to the project. It allows you to see what changes "standard-version" would make without actually applying them.

In summary, "standard-version --dry-run" is a command that performs a trial run of the "standard-version" tool, showing you the version updates it would make to your project without actually modifying any files. This can be useful for previewing the potential changes before committing to them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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