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standard-version: Update the changelog file and tag a release.
$ standard-version
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The standard-version command is used in software development to automate the process of releasing new versions of a project based on a pre-defined set of conventions and guidelines. It is typically used in conjunction with version control systems like Git.

When you run standard-version, it performs several tasks:

  1. Analyze Git commit history: It looks at the commit messages to determine what type of changes each commit introduces (e.g., patch, minor, major).

  2. Generate a version: Based on the commit messages, it determines the appropriate version number for the next release. It follows the semantic versioning system (e.g., X.Y.Z) where X represents a major version, Y represents a minor version, and Z represents a patch version.

  3. Update project files: After determining the version number, standard-version automatically updates various project files (e.g., package.json) with the new version, typically by modifying a version property or field.

  4. Generate a changelog: It also creates a changelog file that lists all the commits since the last release, categorized by their significance (patch, minor, major).

  5. Create a Git tag: Finally, standard-version generates a Git tag for the new version. This allows you to track and reference specific versions of your project.

By automating these steps, standard-version helps maintain consistency and clarity in versioning and release management, making it easier for developers to communicate changes and collaborate on software projects.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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