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standard-version: Tag a release, preventing hooks from being verified during the commit step.
$ standard-version --no-verify
try on your machine

The standard-version --no-verify command is used to automate the process of versioning and releasing software projects. It is typically used in projects that follow the conventional commit format for versioning.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • standard-version: Refers to the name of the command or executable being invoked. In this case, it refers to the "standard-version" tool.
  • --no-verify: This flag is an optional parameter that can be included with the standard-version command. It instructs the tool to skip the Git commit hooks verification process.

When you run standard-version --no-verify, the tool will perform the following actions:

  1. Analyze the commit history: It analyzes the commit messages in the Git history to determine the next semantic version based on the conventional commit format.
  2. Generate changelog: The tool then generates a changelog file containing all the changes made since the last release.
  3. Bump the version: It automatically increments the version number in the project's configuration files (such as package.json or other manifest files).
  4. Create a commit and tag: Finally, it creates a new Git commit with the updated version and the generated changelog, and also creates a new Git tag for the release.

The --no-verify flag is useful when you want to bypass the Git commit hooks verification process. These hooks are typically set up to enforce certain project-specific rules or coding standards before allowing a commit to be created. By skipping this verification, the tool can quickly generate a release without getting blocked by any of these hooks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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