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standard: Apply automatic fixes during linting.
$ standard --fix
try on your machine

The command standard --fix is typically used in the context of linting and code formatting.

Standard is a popular JavaScript linter which helps enforce consistent coding style and catches potential errors. The standard command is used to run this linter on your codebase.

The --fix flag tells the linter to automatically fix any fixable issues it finds in the code. This means that the linter will automatically make changes to your code to comply with the defined style rules.

Running standard --fix will perform two main tasks:

  1. Linting: The linter will analyze your codebase and report any violations of the configured style rules. It will provide warnings or errors for sections of code that do not adhere to the defined standards.
  2. Auto-fixing: If the linter detects issues that it can fix automatically (e.g. trailing white spaces, missing semicolons, or incorrect indentation), it will modify the code accordingly to make it conform to the defined coding style.

By using standard --fix, you can conveniently apply the recommended coding style guidelines to your codebase with minimal manual effort.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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